Favorite Projects

Here's a list of some of my favorite recent projects/creations of mine:

Window manager library for the Web(JavaScript).
Has a cool demo page!

Type: Web, Status: Complete, GitHub: window_manager_library


Simple WebRTC-based P2P text and voice chat.
Uses peer.js for communication.

Type: Web, Status: Working, GitHub: this-that

MCPU processor

MCPU is a simple homebre CPU architecture.
Includes JavaScript emulator and assembler, Implementation in verilog, LogiSim evolution, Digital, and Minecraft Redstone!

Type: Misc, Status: Working, GitHub: GitHub: mcpu-doc


Server control panel.
CGI Backend is Bash, JS frontend inspired by old operating systems like Windows XP. Contains: Terminal, File manager, Text editor, Picture viewer, Video player, etc.

Type: Web, Status: Working, GitHub: SCPxp


Hacky Lua graphics library/game engine.
Supports output to Linux framebuffers, terminals, SDL windows, more.

Type: Lua library, Status: Development paused, GitHub: lua-db


Lua bindings to Linux input/uinput subsystem.
Reads events from any input device, can create new input devices.

Type: Lua library, Status: Complete, GitHub: lua-input

Other Projects

Here is a non-exhaustive list of some of my other projects, and their status.

Not listed are a bunch of (often smaller) projects, usually if they are purely sub-projects of a project already mentioned.
You can view a more complete list of all my projects on my GitHub Profile max1220

Project is under active development and base functionality is working
Project is mostly finished, only bug fixes are expected
Development paused
Project is currently not under active development, but status might change and project still works
Project is no longer development or maintained, probably doesn't run without issues. Only here for archival purposes.