About me
Hello, my name is Max Sahm, and I'm a hacker from
Wuppertal in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
My native tongue is German, but I'm fluent in English as well.
I was born in 1998 and from the beginning I was curious about computers.
The first OS I used was Windows 95 on my fathers laptop, for using MS paint.
At the tender age of 8, armed with a book and unwavering determination
(even without internet access at home), I delved into the world of HTML,
beginning my programming journey.
Later on I also played around a bit with Microsoft's .NET and C#,
but moved on quickly to Lua and C, which is what I prefer to this day.
Early on I tried Linux, initially from CD's and DVD's distributed on c't magazines. Admittedly, at first I stumbled through the unfamiliar territory, but I learned a lot by trial and error, online research, and consulting experts on the subject matters in person. Nowadays I rarely boot Windows, except maybe to play the occasional video game with friends.
I'm curious by nature and always looking to learn more about computers, so naturally I became involved in the hacker community: They could teach me what I wanted to know(and much more).
For a more comprehensive overview of my background and experiences,
I have a formal Lebenslauf document available in German.
Please note that certain sections have been redacted in the public version
to protect my privacy, but don't hesitate to contact me
if you'd like to receive the unredacted version.