Personal Blog about computers 'n stuff.
I occasionally write here about things that interest me.
General improvements
Updated the website and lots of new projects - 03.06.2024 12:00
Every now and then I'm updating my website, and in this case some further improvements to the CSS and functionality have been made.
- Dark-mode based on user-agent preference
- More icons
- Added second responsive breakpoint in CSS for better wide-screen usage.
- Lots of small CSS improvements
First post!
A brand-new blog! - 22.07.2023 22:44
As you can see, this website and it's blog section is now online!
To celebrate, I'll write a blog post about this blog:
Let's begin with the general design decissions regarding CSS and HTML.
Since this is a simple personal project, I didn't see the need to
complicate things with a CSS framework that requires package
managers, CSS compilers, and constant updates.
Instead, I have
my own
CSS concatenator and "minifier" shell script, which really just
concatenates files sorted alphabetically and removes unneeded comments and space.
CSS-wise I've designed the page layout and CSS "mobile first",
meaning the CSS media queries should make the
default("mobile-first") layout work on desktop, if the required
screen dimensions are met.
Currently, there is only the static pages manually put here.
But for the future I have three things planned to make this blog easier to use:
- Shell script to convert a directory tree to rendered HTML
- A backend CGI script to edit such a directory tree
- A frontend WYSIWYG-editor based on contenteditable