
Personal Blog about computers 'n stuff.
I occasionally write here about things that interest me.

General improvements

Globe example icon

Updated the website and lots of new projects  -  03.06.2024 12:00

Every now and then I'm updating my website, and in this case some further improvements to the CSS and functionality have been made.

This is all in preparation for releasing some new and updated projects, which also needed those CSS improvements for their own web tools.

First post!

A brand-new blog!  -  22.07.2023 22:44

As you can see, this website and it's blog section is now online!

To celebrate, I'll write a blog post about this blog:

Let's begin with the general design decissions regarding CSS and HTML.
Since this is a simple personal project, I didn't see the need to complicate things with a CSS framework that requires package managers, CSS compilers, and constant updates.
Instead, I have my own CSS concatenator and "minifier" shell script, which really just concatenates files sorted alphabetically and removes unneeded comments and space.

CSS-wise I've designed the page layout and CSS "mobile first", meaning the CSS media queries should make the default("mobile-first") layout work on desktop, if the required screen dimensions are met.

Currently, there is only the static pages manually put here.
But for the future I have three things planned to make this blog easier to use:

Part of that has already been implemented for other projects.

(end of blog)